That nonsensical title is the literary description of a beautiful thing. That beautiful thing is birth, more specifically though, it’s a rebirth....that’s right bitches, we’re back!
We've all recently had a lot on, which has meant that unfortunately some aspects of life needed to be neglected. For most of us that meant this here blog was what we dropped (apart from Sam who disturbingly seemed to ignore hygiene, don’t worry to much though. Once we’ve hosed him down he’ll be ready to write again). Thankfully our hectic lives have settled down and we can get back to doing what we enjoy most. Playing games!
In the months that we’ve missed out a lot has happened in the world of videogames, so expect a veritable cavalcade of articles to start being fired down your intertubes within the near future. There will be reviews aplenty, a few previews and many other goodies are planned. All these will be filled with the usual dry wit and intelligent remarks you’ve come to expect!
So rest easy and get comfortable readers, CDS Reviews is back with a vengeance!
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